7610 Fulton St
This neighborhood center is 5,200SF and directly behind Northline Commons on Fulton St. We
are looking for other professional services like a doctor, dentist, insurance, lawyer or real
estate firm to take the remaining 2,910 sf. Located on the Metro light rail and across the
street from the transit station, this center has great access to public transportation.
Space: 2,910 SF. available dark shell with TI (Demisable)
Economics: $20.00-$24.00 PSF + $7.00 PSF NNN
7610 Fulton Street Demo Report 2021
- Gated Property
- Easy access to public transportation
7610 Fulton St

Agent Bill Wong
Houston based Orange Commercial was launched in March of 2011 by Bill Wong who led the Tenant Representation practice at New Regional Planning for 7 years. With over 20 years of strategic planning, project management.
Office: 713-961-9097
Fax: 888-958-1955